مذكرة شرح لغة انجليزية للصف الاول الثانوي الترم الثاني 2017 - WwW.Mlzamty.CoM.pd
محولة من بي دي اف الي وورد
blog منشور apply for یتقدم electronic الیكتروني visual بصري
تنمیة development فاكس میل facsimile طاب application موقع نت website
جھاز device ملاحة navigation فن art شخصي personal
إضافي further تنبؤ prediction یوصل connect أجندة diary
exchange یتبادل connection توصیلة come true یتحقق quality جودة
فكر thought یرن - رنین ring یسمي name اجتماعي social
قوة power یرسل خطاب post یوعد promise یشارك share
خوذة helmet فاكس fax عناوین headlines شبكة نت network
رقمي digital محبوب popular یعقد complicate یخمن guess
یتصل communicate تكنولوجیا technology معقد complicated شركات companies
یستبدل replace مشترك- عام common یضیع waste اھتمامات interests
متصل online ذكي - أنیق smart مزایا advantages یعلن advertise
غیر متصل offline ذكاء intelligence مزایا merits إعلان advertisement
یلاحظ notice معقد complex عیوب demerits وسائل إعلام media
یحث research خبیر expert یمارس practise مدھش amazing
bully بلطجي practice ممارسة instead of منً
بدلا keep in touch یتصل
خاصة particularly إشارة signal نیة intention دلیل evidence
تعریفات Definitions
blog A personal website diary for other people to read.
Social network
A website where people can write information about themselves and share
it with other people.
interests Activities that you enjoy doing or subjects that you enjoy studying.
advertise To tell people about a product or service to persuade them to buy or use it.
apply To officially ask to be considered for a job , place at a college etc by writing a letter.
complicated Difficult to understand or deal with as it contains many different parts or
comment An opinion that you give about someone or something.
online connected to the internet.
website a place on the internet where you can go to find out information about themselves
and share it with other people.
internet system allowing people ‘s computers around the world to exchange information .
connect To join two places or things together.
development The process of becoming bigger , better , more important , etc.
device A machine or tool used for a particular purpose.
degital Using a system in which information is shown in the form of changing electrical
fax A document that is sent down a telephone line and then printed by a special
Hiigh quality A good standard
Smart Smart machines use computers or the latest methods to work.
Technology A combination of all the knowledge , equipment , methods etc that are used
in sciebtific or industrial work.
Unit 10 1 Communication today 1 Mr: Hesham
صفحة ٢ من ٧٦
visual Relating to seeing or your ability to see
یعد تعلیقات comments make متصل بالانترنت online
لدیھ نفس الاھتمامات interests same the have غیر متصل بالانترنت offline
smart phone ذكي موبایل prefer to ..... rather than to شيء عن شيء یفضل
یكون علي اتصال بـ with touch in Keep یقف ساكن still stand
یكون صداقات جدیدة friends new make جودة عالیة quality high
digital form رقمي شكل the power of thought التفكیر قوة
علي علاقة بـ with connect یوصل بـ to connect
یتقدم الي شركة او شخص to apply یتقدم لوظیفة for apply
یتصل بشخص with communicate یتصل بلغة in communicate
do research into في ببحث یقوم go on a business trip عمل برحلة یقوم
یشارك مع with ..... share قائم علي on based
یعیش علي on live یساعد في with......help
لاحظ ھذه الاختصارات
Facsimile fax الفاكس satellite navigation sat nav للملاحة صناعیة أقمار
Electronic mail e-mail الكتروني برید The internetnet الانترنت شبكة
Television TV التلفزیون
1-What is a blog?
♣A blog is a personal website diary for other people to read .
2-What is a social networking site?
♣It is a website where people can write information about themselves and share it with others
3- How were communications twenty years ago ?
♣Communications were very different from today. People used telephones , letter and fax.
4-What did people do to call friends quickly?
♣They found a telephone to ring others.
5-What are faxes ?
♣They are documents sent down a telephone line and printed by special machines .
6- Are people still using these methods طرق of communications ?
♣Yes they are still used but they are becoming less popular because of new technology.
7- What are the most common forms of communications today?
♣ They are mobile phone calls , text messages and e-mails.
8-What are smart phones?
♣They are phones with computers which can connect to the internet and sent e-mails.
9- Why is technology not going to stand still ?
♣Because scientists are going to continue inventing new , more complex ways of
10- What are visual communication mobiles ?
♣ They will be mobile devices that give us high - quality visual communication .
11- How can people send messages by the power of thought?
♣A special helmet connected to our brain will turn what we are thinking into a digital form which
we will then be able to communicate to other people that we know.
Unit 10 2 Expressions 2 Mr: Hesham
Unit 10 Questions and answers Mr: Hesham
صفحة ٣ من ٧٦
12- Are you with or against new technology?
♣I am with modern technology because it makes our life easier .
13- Do you think the mobile will replace traditional phones? Yes . I think so.
1- ( shall أو will + المصدرً
♣( أولا
♣حالات استخدام المستقبل البسیط : used is ) shall ( Will
1- 1-To express a future fact حقیقة عن التعبیر • I'll be 18 next year.
2 -To decide something quickly. شيء بعمل قرار اتخاذ • I'll have coffee, please
3- To offer to do something العرض حالة في • I'll clean the car for you
• Shall I help you? العرض في و Shall we have a party? الاقتراح تكوین في shall تستخدم♣
4- To make an arrangement شيء لعمل الترتیب • I'll see you this evening
5– To promise . الوعد • I will buy you a car when you succeed.
6- To make a threat التھدید • I'll resign if I don't get a pay rise.
7-To predict event بالأحداث التنبؤ • The next generation of phones will be expensive
♣ لاحظ استخدام المستقبل البسیط غالبا مع ھذة التعبیرات .
I believe / I feel sure / Perhaps / I expect / I'm sure / I think / I don't think / I wonder /
probably / I suppose /I hope / definitely /
•There is a good film on TV about science fiction. I think you will enjoy it.
• I expect we will be able to send texts by the power of thought.
2- ( am - is – are + going to + المصدر(
♣تعبر عن 1 – نیة مخطط لھا من قبل ( want / decisions and / plans / intentions (
♣ We have already decided ( planned) . We are going to buy a new house next year.
♣ I want to buy a new car so I'm going to save a lot of money.
Do you intend to buy a new mobile? ( going ) Are you going to buy a new mobile?
The chair is broken. You are going to fall .: دلیل على بناء سیحدث حدث – 2
♣ The sky is dark and cloudy. I think it is going to rain.
♣it’s my train ticket . I am going to take the train to Luxor this afternoon.
♣ Watch out .You are going to break the vase.
♣ I listened to the weather forecast. It’s going to rain
3- ( The Present Continuous Tense المستمر المضارع زمن(
♣ نستخدم المضارع المستمر ( ing+ v + are – is- am (للتعبیر عن فعل في المستقبل تم الترتیب لھ )
♣ I can’t meet you tomorrow. I’m seeing the dentist.
♣ I am leaving the office at 11. ( I have permission )
♣ We have arranged everything. We are giving a party tomorrow.
♣ We are watching the match on the stadium next Friday. I have arranged everything.
I have arranged everything to build a villa . ( building ) I am building a villa.
4-(The Present Simple Tense البسیط المضارع زمن(
1 -نستخدم المضارع البسیط للتعبیر عن حدث مستقبلي طبقاً لجدول زمني Timetable
♣ The train leaves at 6 o'clock./ ♣ The final exams take place in next June.
♣When does the film start ? It starts at 7.00 p.m tonight
Tomorrow is Friday : Calendar التقویم عن لتعبیر یستخدم – 2
♣ After I finish university, I will look for a job. المستقبل في الزمنیة الروابط بعد ویستخدم - 3
Language Functions:
Unit 10 3 Future Tenses المستقبل أزمنة 3 Mr: Hesham
صفحة ٤ من ٧٦
Making plans Making promises
Do you have any plans...? I promise that I will ..................
My plan is .................. I promise .......................
I am planning to .............. I promise I won’t
مصادفة accidentally مربیة governess لحسن الحظ fortunately یكسو clothe
یفكر في of think یتصل contact لسوء الحظ unfortunately یطعم feed
یفقد miss الریف countryside اثاث furniture شقي naughty
right حق miserable بائس set off رحلة یبدأ in addition بالإضافة
silent صامت brief مختصر icy جلیدي a vet بیطري
مندھش surprised حافر الفرس hoof یستحق deserve یتصرف behave
بلوفر jumper ضخم enormous یصیح في at shout عكس opposite
قفاز gloves جنتلمان gentleman یلاحظ notice عضو member
مشمس sunny ینزلق slip موقع position یقدم provide
نظارة sunglasses راكب rider قریب nearby قاعدة rule
إزعاج discomfort الم pain یشیر إلي to refer أقارب relations
بالظبط exactly ینجح في to manage یقدم offer بالغ adult
یبحث research یتبع follow مسافة distance خادم servant
lock یحبس settle in / into یستقر slide ینزلق degree درجة
الفیة millennium قرن century أسبوعین fortnight عقد decade
governess A woman who lives with a family and teaches children at home.
hoof The foot of an animal such as a horse
settle in Start to feel happy after moving to a new home
clothe To provide clothes to someone icy covered in sand
dislike To hate / opposite of like naughty To behave badly
miserable To be very sad ( unhappy ) relation Is a member of your family
slip Accidentally slide so that you fall contact Communicate with
silent Not to make any sound right A rule which allows you to do something
Prepositions and expressions
provide for یوفر - یقدم have the right to في الحق لدیھ
Provide with یزود get on well with معً
ینسجم جیدا
ینجح في – یتمكن من to manage یستقر in / down settle
ً من of instead یصیح في – یسب at shout
set off - out رحلة یبدأ spent money on علي مال ینفق
kind to مع عطوف climb on to the roof السطح علي یصعد
یأتي من أسرة فقیرة family poor a from come یتصل بـ / یحتك بــ with contact
run towards تجاه یجري throw to the ground ًارضا یطرحھ
call for یستدعي - یدعو covered in / with بــ مغطي
الجمع الشاذ plural Irregular وجمع الكلمات المنتھیة بـ Fاو F
a man men a woman women a child children
a foot feet a goose geese a tooth teeth
a wolf wolves a knife knives a wife wives
Unit 11 4 Charlotte Bronte 4 Mr: Hesham
صفحة ٥ من ٧٦
a half halves a shelf shelves a loaf loaves
a hoof hoofs - hooves a proof Proofs a roof roofs
Agreeing with opinion disagreeing with opinion
I’d go along with that I think so I ‘m completely against I don't agree
I couldn't agree more Ok I don't think so I disagree with
That's true You are right I’d say the opposite That’s not always true
{{ Charlotte Bronte wrote the story “ Jane Eyre “}}
1-Why did Jane live with her uncle ?
Because her parents died , she went to live with her kind uncle , Mr Reed.
2-Why did her cousins Eliza , John and Georgina dislike her?
They said that she wasn’t as good as them because she had come from a poorer family.
3-How did John insult یسب Jane while she was reading ?
He shouted at her pushing the book out of her hand and told her that she had no right to read
their books. He said they had to feed and clothe her.
4- How did Mrs Reed add to Jane’s misery تعاسة ?
She told Jane that she was naughty and ordered a servant to lock her in a cold room.
5-Why did Jane live many difficult years at the school ?
Because the head teacher spent little money on the school so she advertised for a job.
6- What was her job at Thornfield Hall?
She worked as a governess and she settled at a large house at Thornfield Hall .
7- What was Jane’s opinion of Mrs Fairfax and Adele ?
Mrs Fairfax was always really kind to her and She got on well with Adele ( her student ).
8- What kind of work does a governess do ?
She lives with a family to teach their children .
9-Why did Jane often climb on to the roof of the house at Thornfield Hall?
To look over the countryside as she needed contact with the outside world.
10-Why did Jane go to the village of Hay ?
She went there to post a letter for Mrs Fairfax
11- Why did Jane have free time?
Because Adele had a cold and Jane didn’t have to teach her.
12-How far was the village of Hay ?
It was eight kilometres away .
13- What was the weather like that day ?
It was really a beautiful day ; it was sunnier but colder than it had been and the roads were icy.
14- Why was the gentleman was on the ground in pain?
Because the horse slipped and threw the gentleman to the ground .
15-When was the gentleman looked surprised?
When Jane told him that she was the governess at Thornfield hall.
16- How did Jane help the gentleman?
She caught the horse and helped the gentleman get back on to the horse.
17- How did the gentleman behave towards her ?
He didn’t thank Jane ; he called his dog Pilot to follow and set off towards Thornfield Hall.
18-What do you think Jane’s life was like as a governess?
Unit 11 5 Questions and answers 5 Mr: Hesham
تنمیة development فاكس میل facsimile طاب application موقع نت website
جھاز device ملاحة navigation فن art شخصي personal
إضافي further تنبؤ prediction یوصل connect أجندة diary
exchange یتبادل connection توصیلة come true یتحقق quality جودة
فكر thought یرن - رنین ring یسمي name اجتماعي social
قوة power یرسل خطاب post یوعد promise یشارك share
خوذة helmet فاكس fax عناوین headlines شبكة نت network
رقمي digital محبوب popular یعقد complicate یخمن guess
یتصل communicate تكنولوجیا technology معقد complicated شركات companies
یستبدل replace مشترك- عام common یضیع waste اھتمامات interests
متصل online ذكي - أنیق smart مزایا advantages یعلن advertise
غیر متصل offline ذكاء intelligence مزایا merits إعلان advertisement
یلاحظ notice معقد complex عیوب demerits وسائل إعلام media
یحث research خبیر expert یمارس practise مدھش amazing
bully بلطجي practice ممارسة instead of منً
بدلا keep in touch یتصل
خاصة particularly إشارة signal نیة intention دلیل evidence
تعریفات Definitions
blog A personal website diary for other people to read.
Social network
A website where people can write information about themselves and share
it with other people.
interests Activities that you enjoy doing or subjects that you enjoy studying.
advertise To tell people about a product or service to persuade them to buy or use it.
apply To officially ask to be considered for a job , place at a college etc by writing a letter.
complicated Difficult to understand or deal with as it contains many different parts or
comment An opinion that you give about someone or something.
online connected to the internet.
website a place on the internet where you can go to find out information about themselves
and share it with other people.
internet system allowing people ‘s computers around the world to exchange information .
connect To join two places or things together.
development The process of becoming bigger , better , more important , etc.
device A machine or tool used for a particular purpose.
degital Using a system in which information is shown in the form of changing electrical
fax A document that is sent down a telephone line and then printed by a special
Hiigh quality A good standard
Smart Smart machines use computers or the latest methods to work.
Technology A combination of all the knowledge , equipment , methods etc that are used
in sciebtific or industrial work.
Unit 10 1 Communication today 1 Mr: Hesham
صفحة ٢ من ٧٦
visual Relating to seeing or your ability to see
یعد تعلیقات comments make متصل بالانترنت online
لدیھ نفس الاھتمامات interests same the have غیر متصل بالانترنت offline
smart phone ذكي موبایل prefer to ..... rather than to شيء عن شيء یفضل
یكون علي اتصال بـ with touch in Keep یقف ساكن still stand
یكون صداقات جدیدة friends new make جودة عالیة quality high
digital form رقمي شكل the power of thought التفكیر قوة
علي علاقة بـ with connect یوصل بـ to connect
یتقدم الي شركة او شخص to apply یتقدم لوظیفة for apply
یتصل بشخص with communicate یتصل بلغة in communicate
do research into في ببحث یقوم go on a business trip عمل برحلة یقوم
یشارك مع with ..... share قائم علي on based
یعیش علي on live یساعد في with......help
لاحظ ھذه الاختصارات
Facsimile fax الفاكس satellite navigation sat nav للملاحة صناعیة أقمار
Electronic mail e-mail الكتروني برید The internetnet الانترنت شبكة
Television TV التلفزیون
1-What is a blog?
♣A blog is a personal website diary for other people to read .
2-What is a social networking site?
♣It is a website where people can write information about themselves and share it with others
3- How were communications twenty years ago ?
♣Communications were very different from today. People used telephones , letter and fax.
4-What did people do to call friends quickly?
♣They found a telephone to ring others.
5-What are faxes ?
♣They are documents sent down a telephone line and printed by special machines .
6- Are people still using these methods طرق of communications ?
♣Yes they are still used but they are becoming less popular because of new technology.
7- What are the most common forms of communications today?
♣ They are mobile phone calls , text messages and e-mails.
8-What are smart phones?
♣They are phones with computers which can connect to the internet and sent e-mails.
9- Why is technology not going to stand still ?
♣Because scientists are going to continue inventing new , more complex ways of
10- What are visual communication mobiles ?
♣ They will be mobile devices that give us high - quality visual communication .
11- How can people send messages by the power of thought?
♣A special helmet connected to our brain will turn what we are thinking into a digital form which
we will then be able to communicate to other people that we know.
Unit 10 2 Expressions 2 Mr: Hesham
Unit 10 Questions and answers Mr: Hesham
صفحة ٣ من ٧٦
12- Are you with or against new technology?
♣I am with modern technology because it makes our life easier .
13- Do you think the mobile will replace traditional phones? Yes . I think so.
1- ( shall أو will + المصدرً
♣( أولا
♣حالات استخدام المستقبل البسیط : used is ) shall ( Will
1- 1-To express a future fact حقیقة عن التعبیر • I'll be 18 next year.
2 -To decide something quickly. شيء بعمل قرار اتخاذ • I'll have coffee, please
3- To offer to do something العرض حالة في • I'll clean the car for you
• Shall I help you? العرض في و Shall we have a party? الاقتراح تكوین في shall تستخدم♣
4- To make an arrangement شيء لعمل الترتیب • I'll see you this evening
5– To promise . الوعد • I will buy you a car when you succeed.
6- To make a threat التھدید • I'll resign if I don't get a pay rise.
7-To predict event بالأحداث التنبؤ • The next generation of phones will be expensive
♣ لاحظ استخدام المستقبل البسیط غالبا مع ھذة التعبیرات .
I believe / I feel sure / Perhaps / I expect / I'm sure / I think / I don't think / I wonder /
probably / I suppose /I hope / definitely /
•There is a good film on TV about science fiction. I think you will enjoy it.
• I expect we will be able to send texts by the power of thought.
2- ( am - is – are + going to + المصدر(
♣تعبر عن 1 – نیة مخطط لھا من قبل ( want / decisions and / plans / intentions (
♣ We have already decided ( planned) . We are going to buy a new house next year.
♣ I want to buy a new car so I'm going to save a lot of money.
Do you intend to buy a new mobile? ( going ) Are you going to buy a new mobile?
The chair is broken. You are going to fall .: دلیل على بناء سیحدث حدث – 2
♣ The sky is dark and cloudy. I think it is going to rain.
♣it’s my train ticket . I am going to take the train to Luxor this afternoon.
♣ Watch out .You are going to break the vase.
♣ I listened to the weather forecast. It’s going to rain
3- ( The Present Continuous Tense المستمر المضارع زمن(
♣ نستخدم المضارع المستمر ( ing+ v + are – is- am (للتعبیر عن فعل في المستقبل تم الترتیب لھ )
♣ I can’t meet you tomorrow. I’m seeing the dentist.
♣ I am leaving the office at 11. ( I have permission )
♣ We have arranged everything. We are giving a party tomorrow.
♣ We are watching the match on the stadium next Friday. I have arranged everything.
I have arranged everything to build a villa . ( building ) I am building a villa.
4-(The Present Simple Tense البسیط المضارع زمن(
1 -نستخدم المضارع البسیط للتعبیر عن حدث مستقبلي طبقاً لجدول زمني Timetable
♣ The train leaves at 6 o'clock./ ♣ The final exams take place in next June.
♣When does the film start ? It starts at 7.00 p.m tonight
Tomorrow is Friday : Calendar التقویم عن لتعبیر یستخدم – 2
♣ After I finish university, I will look for a job. المستقبل في الزمنیة الروابط بعد ویستخدم - 3
Language Functions:
Unit 10 3 Future Tenses المستقبل أزمنة 3 Mr: Hesham
صفحة ٤ من ٧٦
Making plans Making promises
Do you have any plans...? I promise that I will ..................
My plan is .................. I promise .......................
I am planning to .............. I promise I won’t
مصادفة accidentally مربیة governess لحسن الحظ fortunately یكسو clothe
یفكر في of think یتصل contact لسوء الحظ unfortunately یطعم feed
یفقد miss الریف countryside اثاث furniture شقي naughty
right حق miserable بائس set off رحلة یبدأ in addition بالإضافة
silent صامت brief مختصر icy جلیدي a vet بیطري
مندھش surprised حافر الفرس hoof یستحق deserve یتصرف behave
بلوفر jumper ضخم enormous یصیح في at shout عكس opposite
قفاز gloves جنتلمان gentleman یلاحظ notice عضو member
مشمس sunny ینزلق slip موقع position یقدم provide
نظارة sunglasses راكب rider قریب nearby قاعدة rule
إزعاج discomfort الم pain یشیر إلي to refer أقارب relations
بالظبط exactly ینجح في to manage یقدم offer بالغ adult
یبحث research یتبع follow مسافة distance خادم servant
lock یحبس settle in / into یستقر slide ینزلق degree درجة
الفیة millennium قرن century أسبوعین fortnight عقد decade
governess A woman who lives with a family and teaches children at home.
hoof The foot of an animal such as a horse
settle in Start to feel happy after moving to a new home
clothe To provide clothes to someone icy covered in sand
dislike To hate / opposite of like naughty To behave badly
miserable To be very sad ( unhappy ) relation Is a member of your family
slip Accidentally slide so that you fall contact Communicate with
silent Not to make any sound right A rule which allows you to do something
Prepositions and expressions
provide for یوفر - یقدم have the right to في الحق لدیھ
Provide with یزود get on well with معً
ینسجم جیدا
ینجح في – یتمكن من to manage یستقر in / down settle
ً من of instead یصیح في – یسب at shout
set off - out رحلة یبدأ spent money on علي مال ینفق
kind to مع عطوف climb on to the roof السطح علي یصعد
یأتي من أسرة فقیرة family poor a from come یتصل بـ / یحتك بــ with contact
run towards تجاه یجري throw to the ground ًارضا یطرحھ
call for یستدعي - یدعو covered in / with بــ مغطي
الجمع الشاذ plural Irregular وجمع الكلمات المنتھیة بـ Fاو F
a man men a woman women a child children
a foot feet a goose geese a tooth teeth
a wolf wolves a knife knives a wife wives
Unit 11 4 Charlotte Bronte 4 Mr: Hesham
صفحة ٥ من ٧٦
a half halves a shelf shelves a loaf loaves
a hoof hoofs - hooves a proof Proofs a roof roofs
Agreeing with opinion disagreeing with opinion
I’d go along with that I think so I ‘m completely against I don't agree
I couldn't agree more Ok I don't think so I disagree with
That's true You are right I’d say the opposite That’s not always true
{{ Charlotte Bronte wrote the story “ Jane Eyre “}}
1-Why did Jane live with her uncle ?
Because her parents died , she went to live with her kind uncle , Mr Reed.
2-Why did her cousins Eliza , John and Georgina dislike her?
They said that she wasn’t as good as them because she had come from a poorer family.
3-How did John insult یسب Jane while she was reading ?
He shouted at her pushing the book out of her hand and told her that she had no right to read
their books. He said they had to feed and clothe her.
4- How did Mrs Reed add to Jane’s misery تعاسة ?
She told Jane that she was naughty and ordered a servant to lock her in a cold room.
5-Why did Jane live many difficult years at the school ?
Because the head teacher spent little money on the school so she advertised for a job.
6- What was her job at Thornfield Hall?
She worked as a governess and she settled at a large house at Thornfield Hall .
7- What was Jane’s opinion of Mrs Fairfax and Adele ?
Mrs Fairfax was always really kind to her and She got on well with Adele ( her student ).
8- What kind of work does a governess do ?
She lives with a family to teach their children .
9-Why did Jane often climb on to the roof of the house at Thornfield Hall?
To look over the countryside as she needed contact with the outside world.
10-Why did Jane go to the village of Hay ?
She went there to post a letter for Mrs Fairfax
11- Why did Jane have free time?
Because Adele had a cold and Jane didn’t have to teach her.
12-How far was the village of Hay ?
It was eight kilometres away .
13- What was the weather like that day ?
It was really a beautiful day ; it was sunnier but colder than it had been and the roads were icy.
14- Why was the gentleman was on the ground in pain?
Because the horse slipped and threw the gentleman to the ground .
15-When was the gentleman looked surprised?
When Jane told him that she was the governess at Thornfield hall.
16- How did Jane help the gentleman?
She caught the horse and helped the gentleman get back on to the horse.
17- How did the gentleman behave towards her ?
He didn’t thank Jane ; he called his dog Pilot to follow and set off towards Thornfield Hall.
18-What do you think Jane’s life was like as a governess?
Unit 11 5 Questions and answers 5 Mr: Hesham
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